After their team won the Nebraska State Boys Soccer Championship, Lincoln East High School students rushed the field and some tossed home-made “green cards” into the air.  The cards floateddown around the Omaha South High players, many of whom are of Hispanic heritage.

“It’s one of the best feelings just making it to that game,” said Billy Loera, an OmahaSouth senior.  “Having it end like that was just disgraceful.” Omaha South Junior Alex Stillinger said, “To me, these guys are my brothers. So it hurt me being the only non- Latino on the team.”

Lincoln East has suspended some of thestudents involved. And Lincoln East staff and students are writing apology letters to their counterparts at Omaha South High School. “It’s kind of a shame that they just won the biggest gameof their lives and instead of celebrating, that is what comes to their minds,” Loera.

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