There is convincing evidence that major factors contributing to non-contact ACL tear risk include improper mechanics when landing from a jump or when rapidly changing direction. Training programs toreduce this risk have focused on improving landing mechanics and improving strength imbalances. Typically, these programs are incorporated into a team warm-up.

Two recently published scientificstudies show that ACL injury prevention warm-up programs are very effective in reducing the risk of getting a non-contact ACL tear, and these programs lead to improved athletic performance. These aretwo really great reasons to utilize ACL injury prevention warmups for your sport.

Probably the best known of the ACL injury prevention warmup programs is the FIFA 11+. This program is specifically designed to reduce the rate of alllower extremity injuries in soccer players, and is designed to be done twice a week and takes about 20 minutes per session. It requires no special equipment. This program has also been used for sportsother than soccer with excellent success.

I’d like to now highlight two recently published scientific studies that lend further support to the use of ACL injury prevention programs.

53% Reduction in ACL Tears

The first study, published one week ago in the American Journal of Sports Medicine, focused specifically on reducing the rates of ACL tears in teams and players utilizing an ACL injuryprevention program. The study utilized a statistical method called a “meta-analysis” and focused on high quality published studies. With this narrow focus the study authors note that usingACL injury prevention training programs can prevent 53% of ACL non-contact tears.

FIFA11+ Videos

ImprovedPhysical Performance

The second study, published last month in the journal Sports Health, focused on improvements in various physical performance metrics. This was also a systematic review of available published studies, and showedimprovements in force generation, coordination, posture, balance, and speed. Improvements in any of these areas would have to be viewed as desirable by participants in any movement based sport.

I have been a big believer in injury prevention programs for as long as these programs have been available. As we gather additional evidence through high-quality research we are converging onoutstanding benefits of the programs: you can radically reduce the risk of non-contact ACL injuries, and you can at the same time improve physical performance.

You have everything to gain byusing one of these programs and absolutely nothing to lose.

Key Point:
Recently published scientific reviews show thatACL injury prevention programs are very effective, reducing ACL non-contact tear rates by more than 50% and at the same time improving physical performance.

(Dr. Dev K. Mishra, a Clinical Assistant Professor of orthopedic surgery at Stanford University, is the creator of the online injury management course and the Good to Go injury assessment App for coaches, managers, parents and players. Mishra writesabout injury recognition and management at blog, where this articleoriginally appeared.)

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1 Comment

  1. While I support injury prevention training, I question two aspects of this article.

    1. The FIFA 11+ program is a strength training program. It includes a warmup (which any strength training should), but it is not a warmup. 

    2. The authors of this article did not do any new testing. They selected data from 8 of 2,219 studies and then drew conclusions from the data in those 8 studies that contradicted the prior conclusions. Not a very encouraging approach. The implication is that their conclusions are not supported by the other 2,211 sets of data.

    I go back to my earlier comment–I support injury prevention training.

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