“He’s one of the guys who has really helped this league over the course of the years — in many, many ways, not just as a coach but also in consultation for the league and bringing up a bunch ofyoung players who now are in positions of coaching and other different areas in the league. A lot of us who’ve come through UCLA or through Southern California are in various positions. I mean he’sone of the founding fathers of the game and its progress in this country. So it’s unfortunate and disappointing to see him not in the league at the moment. We’ll see where it goes after that but Ihope everything is good with him.”

— Toronto FC coach Greg Vanney, on Sigi Schmid, who departed as LA Galaxy head coach on Monday with six games to play in the regularseason. Vanney played for Schmid at UCLA (1993-95) and on the Galaxy (1999-2002). (Canadian Press)

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